Ongoing projects
Reinforcing PIN Authentication on Smartphones with Tap Biometrics
Enabling Secure Near-Field Communication via Acoustic Beamforming on Mobile Devices
Developing a 3D-Printed Smartphone-Based Heart Sound Auscultation System for Affordable and User-Friendly Home Use
Surface Assisted In-Air Gesture Recognition
Extending a Smartphone’s Interaction Space via a Reconfigurable Magnetic Back-of-Device Input Accessory
Enhancing the Functionality of Off-the-Shelf Smartphones through Magnetic Accessory Identification
Using a Human Body as a Touch Interface with RF Signals
Enabling (Virtually) Invisible Tagging
Ongoing Research Funding
디지털 전환 사업 데이터 전문인력 양성 (2024. 3 ~ 2025. 2, funded by 한국산업기술진흥원)
혁신형 미래의료연구센터 육성사업 (2023. 4 ~ 2026. 12, funded by MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT))
Enabling deployable, accurate, usable, and secure contactless mobile payment services via audio beamforming-based near field communication (2022. 3 ~ 2025. 2, funded by NRF (National Research Fund), 신진연구)
지능형 홈케어 산업을 선도할 3C 전문인력 양성 (2020. 3 ~ 2025. 2, funded by MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy))
BK (Brain Korea) 21 Four SURE (Smart Urbanism for Everyday, Everywhere, Everything, and Everyone) 사업단 (2020.8 ~, funded by NRF (National Research Fund))